

Query Class

For the past few days, I've been taking an online class about querying. It cost $200 (owww I hope it's worth it). There was a video presentation which was actually very informative, especially when it came to the order of information in a query and synopsis, and then I was able to ask actual agents questions about querying.

The first day of questions wasn't that great since I didn't receive one of the emails I was supposed to read and so ended up signing in too late to ask many questions. The second day, however, was pretty cool. I got quite a few questions answered, many of which I've been wanting to ask for a very, very long time. Then today, I sent my revised query, synopsis, and first ten pages of my book for my assigned agent to review. I'm really looking forward to her feedback. I've been revising my query, synopsis, and book for such a long time... but I've never really received any feedback. I guess I managed to pick a bunch of agents who either didn't have time or just didn't care to respond with more than a very impersonal rejection letter.

Honestly I didn't mind the rejections at all, I was only bothered by the agents who never replied at all. Oh and the one guy who sent me a rejection that seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with my book seeing as he didn't even get the genre right.

Hopefully the remainder of this course will be incredibly informative. Although I may find that I need to revise my book again (this will be the 6th time). But at least I'll get some honest opinions!

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