

Happy New Year!

Well it's 2014! I feel optimistic about this year. I don't know why, but I think it's going to be a good one. I have a lot of things I want to get done this year. One of my favorites is: Write at least 400 words per day and at the end of the year, I'll have a 146,000 word book. That sounds excellent to me. I think that's an wonderful and fairly easy goal, and all of you writers might consider it.

A couple of my other goals are (not in order):

Audition for The Voice.

Go to Comic-Con so I can actually wear my sword and huge purple cape.

Meet some of my online friends for real.

Finish Seizure and (hopefully) Showdown.

Retitle Showdown.

Find an agent/publisher or self publish.

Get a job.

Start writing my new apocalypse book.

Read the books on my reading list.

Now I must go to bed so I don't start off the year feeling (and looking) like a zombie!

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